135 drinking water filters successfully installed with the support of the Canada Fund for Local Initiatives (CFLI) in Thailand

By the end of 2012 we received the confirmation of the, early that year submitted, proposal for 135 BioSand Filters for 5 hill tribe villages in the Mae Hong Son district of northern Thailand. The Rain Tree Foundation works closely together with the villages and through our field staff and our previous mapping we were able to sort out the most urgent needed villagers which are in need of this BioSand Filters. The filters are produced locally as well as the filter media and we arranged the delivery with a big truck to a distribution spot from where the single units were transported to the villages and single homes. After all the filters have been delivered, our field staff did the installations directly in the villagers homes and held in the evenings workshops to introduce the filter technology, daily usage, maintenance and basically the most important facts why such filters are essential for every human being. Most people are not aware of that optically clean water is not safe drinking water. There are several improvements by using filtered drinking water such as: no more medical costs for treatment and medicine, no downtimes for the working people as well as the children going to school, no need of boiling the water to kill bacteria and pests which means no time wasting to collect fire wood as well as afflicting the environment. There might be an even bigger impact after a few years but most important is to teach and educate all people on how important safe drinking water is for their lives. A big thank you to the Canada Fund for Local Initiatives (CFLI) for their great support and also the chance to help us to get one step closer to create awareness and promote the importance of safe and clean drinking water. We are still looking forward to reach our goal of distributing 1000 BioSand Filters in 2013 to people in need of which we had 847 installed already.

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About Raintree-Foundation

The Raintree Foundation is a grassroots social non-government organization registered under the Ministry of Interior, mainly operating in Thailand among rural and underdeveloped communities. The aim is to help people through education, appropriate technology and self help projects to improve their living standards. The organization was founded in 1992. It has grown over the years and now serves more than 200 children in 6 projects Present projects are Children’s Homes, Day-Care Centers, manufacturing bamboo and herbal products, informal vocational training, providing villages with clean drinking water by providing appropriate filter systems and supplying water through various pump systems. The staff at Raintree Foundation is continuously looking for new opportunities and ideas as how to better help rural people. The local staff at the foundation is from various local ethnic tribal groups in Thailand.
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2 Responses to 135 drinking water filters successfully installed with the support of the Canada Fund for Local Initiatives (CFLI) in Thailand

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