24 January, 2011 15:49

ECHO / Partner Workshop

In January there was an upcoming event at Mae Jo which was arranged by the ECHO Asia office in cooperation with Partners. It was held just behind Mae Jo University at the Partners.

Around 30 participants from Laos, Cambodia, Burma and Thailand came to learn and share about agricultural techniques. The team from Partners showed how to make compost with the help of rice brand and pigs. They showed how to grow Moringa and how to use it, how to grow mushrooms in the backyard, how to make soap, a lesson about fruit tree grafting and at least about Vermiculture which was held at Mae Jo University.

All topics were really interesting and practicable for the participants and it wasn’t just theory what we’ve done because they have everything on their farm so we had to do things by ourselves too. The learning by doing practice was really exciting and gave us all a new perspective for upcoming projects and their use in the field.

The whole group was open-minded and we shared our experiences on several things we do or have done so far and it taught us how to implement the learned techniques in each specific area and surrounding. So after all we were packed with a lot of new ideas and solutions for future projects and farms. The ECHO team and the Partners team did a really great job and

they are also willing to assist us in the future.

About Raintree-Foundation

The Raintree Foundation is a grassroots social non-government organization registered under the Ministry of Interior, mainly operating in Thailand among rural and underdeveloped communities. The aim is to help people through education, appropriate technology and self help projects to improve their living standards. The organization was founded in 1992. It has grown over the years and now serves more than 200 children in 6 projects Present projects are Children’s Homes, Day-Care Centers, manufacturing bamboo and herbal products, informal vocational training, providing villages with clean drinking water by providing appropriate filter systems and supplying water through various pump systems. The staff at Raintree Foundation is continuously looking for new opportunities and ideas as how to better help rural people. The local staff at the foundation is from various local ethnic tribal groups in Thailand.
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