26 May, 2011 12:51

Mae Hae coffee hulling, May 2011

After we started the coffee co-op up in the mountains in northern Thailand last year, 2010, the farmers brought around 6 tons of coffee cherries to the co-op for processing. Pulped and dried in the sun, the so called “parchment coffee” was stored for about three month. We were able to get in touch with a coffee roasting company which took samples from those beans and declared them for good. The last step which had to be done, was to hull the “parchment coffee”. This means removing the yellowish, protective skin in which the beans were stored before. For this step the coffee co-op got a hulling machine which we set up and did a test run. In the facility we were able to hull the beans within two days. After that the beans had to be hand sorted to ensure the quality and good taste of the beans. After the processing the coffee cherries, the coffee co-op produced around 1300 kg of green coffee beans for the market. We are looking forward to the next season and hopefully the knowledge and skills of the villagers grows as well as the coffee trees.

About Raintree-Foundation

The Raintree Foundation is a grassroots social non-government organization registered under the Ministry of Interior, mainly operating in Thailand among rural and underdeveloped communities. The aim is to help people through education, appropriate technology and self help projects to improve their living standards. The organization was founded in 1992. It has grown over the years and now serves more than 200 children in 6 projects Present projects are Children’s Homes, Day-Care Centers, manufacturing bamboo and herbal products, informal vocational training, providing villages with clean drinking water by providing appropriate filter systems and supplying water through various pump systems. The staff at Raintree Foundation is continuously looking for new opportunities and ideas as how to better help rural people. The local staff at the foundation is from various local ethnic tribal groups in Thailand.
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