10 November, 2011 10:36

BioSand Water Filters countdown status: 261 units installed, 739 units more to go to reach our target of 1000 units by the end of 2012

On Tuesday 25th of October the RainTree Foundation Team went to Mae Lod to install another 25 units BioSand Water Filters. Mae Lod is a small village about 65 Km north of Chiang Mai. It is a very clean and tidy village but they have problems with drinking water. No access to clean drinking water is a huge problem all over the rural areas of Thailand. Because of this issue, we at Raintree Foundation have implemented the production and distribution of BioSand Filters. Since we started the BioSand Filter project, we can observe a considerable impact on the villagers lives. They are in a better shape and save money on hospital visits. The idea of the BioSand Filter we use comes from Canada, www.cawst.org. At the beginning of the year 2011 we set ourselves a target to support 1000 families with BioSand Filters until the end of 2012. With the 261 installed units we were able to help 260 families, totaling 1250 people. We are thankful for your help and it would be a pleasure to spray your name or your logo on your donated BioSand Filter.

For Germany just visit www.thaicare.de for all other countries please visit www.raintree-foundation.org. We cannot change the whole world but we can change the world for some families.

About Raintree-Foundation

The Raintree Foundation is a grassroots social non-government organization registered under the Ministry of Interior, mainly operating in Thailand among rural and underdeveloped communities. The aim is to help people through education, appropriate technology and self help projects to improve their living standards. The organization was founded in 1992. It has grown over the years and now serves more than 200 children in 6 projects Present projects are Children’s Homes, Day-Care Centers, manufacturing bamboo and herbal products, informal vocational training, providing villages with clean drinking water by providing appropriate filter systems and supplying water through various pump systems. The staff at Raintree Foundation is continuously looking for new opportunities and ideas as how to better help rural people. The local staff at the foundation is from various local ethnic tribal groups in Thailand.
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